Friday, 30 March 2012

10 Scottish Charities for 2012

As 2012 began I set myself some targets, one of those I am pleased to say has been achieved.

The idea came about after a photography session that I did last year for a family on Glasgow’s South Side. (Example picture below).

The Greene family got in touch after buying a voucher in an auction at The Marie Curie Hospice Daffodil Ball. I had donated it after volunteering to take photographs at their fundraising events.

I really enjoyed taking both the promotional pictures for the Marie Curie Hospice and the session for the Greene Family. So this years I decided to do it again, but to this time include more charities.

So in January I wrote a blog offering a total of 10 charities, each a £250 voucher to auction or raffle. This was a pledge for £2,500 to help deserving Scottish causes.

This isn’t really much, but I hope that it helps. Speaking to charities they all say that the numbers of companies donating items has decreased in these tough times, so hopefully, as they say every little helps!

Back in January the blog that I posted received a lot of attention and I am now delighted to be able to confirm that I have been able to provide 10 charities with their requested vouchers.

OneKind is an animal protection charity based in Edinburgh; they have already used their voucher, during a fund-raising Burns Supper. Cahoona’s Scotland used one at their charity ball last month.

The Eilidh Brown Memorial Fund will be using their £250 voucher at a concert on the 15th June, where they are raising money to build a respite home in Stirling. Keep Scotland Beautiful, who too are based in Scotland have also received a voucher.

Another charity benefiting is Yorkhill Children’s Foundation; they do incredible work providing equipment and facilities to help children in their time of hospital. This Saturday night it is once again The Marie Curie Hospice Daffodil Ball in Glasgow and they will be auctioning their voucher during it.

In my village of Drymen there is an inspirational fundraiser, Libby Emmerson, who works tirelessly to help others. I was pleased to donate a voucher for her event The Big Shindig that raised money earlier in the year for The Maggie’s Centre.

Completing the group of 10 charities are Cancer Support Scotland, Scottish Autism and MS Society Scotland. I wish them all well with their fundraising in 2012.